Friday, June 28, 2013


Yesterday my family, Kailee, Heather and Jamin, Mrs. Finley and her daughter Hannah went to St.Louis MO for a visit to Grants Farm. There were a bunch of gorgeous Clydesdale horses. We had so much fun! 
 Clydesdale! So beautiful!!!!!!!!  
I think this horse was older but very pretty!!!!!
The sign said "CAUTION WE MAY BITE" lol

This one was REALLY friendly!
Hannah, Levi, Jamin, Titus and Lillianas head.
:) cute!!!!!! 
 The boys loved petting the foals! Seth, Shoshana, Titus and Jamin.
Titus, a foal, and Jamin.
And begins the start of a bus ride tour! I think they said this was the "famous" elk statue. 
The Grant house. Around the property in front of the house there was a fence made of gun barrels from the Civil War! It was awesome! I couldn't get a picture cause Titus's head was in the way. *sigh*
Two different covered wagons!!!!!! They were very cool!
Bret! He said it was $5 a picture.... I didn't pay. LOL
I think these were some kinda Australian deer.  

Texas long horns from..... not Texas..... I forget where...

DEER!!! ^_^

There was a boffalo walking down the road we were diving down!!!!!!!!! It was awesome!
ELK taking a swim!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And one of my favorite things of the day; a BALD EAGLE! 
And a bird that I don't know the name of.
They did a bird show with a parrots, hawks, a bald eagle and owls.


And now for the really funny elephant show! His name was Bud.
He could reach up to 23 feet!!! It was cool!

Now for the small animal show.
A parrot named Pete going around mini cautions cones on wheels! It was cute! :)

Bald Eagle! *duh* 
GOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't they adorable!!!!!!!!  
*They're too cute*
I think this is a crane. 
**Camel and Hannah**
--Me and camel--
Baby camel :)
Mini pony <3
Smaller mini pony

Family picture!!!!!! Jamin, Bret and Heather, Kailee, Tius, Lilliana, Mom, Shoshana, Seth, Levi, and me!
We had allot of fun!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you liked the photos.

1 comment:

Dr. Darcie:) said...

Hey Bekah, I miss you so!!! Love the pictures, looks like you all enjoyed Grants Farm! Jeremy's Family, some church friends and I went a few months ago, right after church so we didn't get to see the clydesdales but we did see a boy get spit on by a lamme LOL